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Pyramid Ultimate: Python Edition

Not everyone knows this about me, but I'm a bit of a game developer. Nothing too fancy, while I did study at a university who's known for their game dev program, I didn't do too much of it then. For the most part, I've just built a bunch of games throughout the years to see what I could do. There's even a hidden game built into this website if you know where to look.

I'm not here to talk about my history with game development though, what I'm here to talk about is a project that I recently helped launch, The Pyramid: Ultimate Edition.

The Pyramid is a game for streamers and hardcore gamers that want to challenge themselves with interesting runs of their favorite games. In short, you select decks based on what games you have, you select the number of runs you want to do, and it gives you a deck of challenges for each run. You pick your challenges, and earn points based on how you do. At the time of this blog post, there are around 120 different decks to choose from, so anyone with a game console or computer can find something they're familiar with.


Example Screen from The Pyramid: Ultimate Edition

Figure 1: Example Pyramid Game Screen


Now this version of the project was originally built in Python, and when I came to the project it had a variety of responsiveness issues. My main role for this launch was making sure that everything was responsive all the way down to 720p screens. Ultimately, this didn't end up proving to be too much of a challenge and I made a number of other quality of life updates along the way.

There are definitely still improvements to be made to the game, however for now I've been working with another dev when we can to rebuild the entire app using Godot. With this, the app will offer full support for Windows, macOS, and Linux, as well as a number of interactivity and quality of life improvements. We are excited to be continuing the project, and I can't wait until I'm able to share more news about the release of this definitive version. 

Please make sure to check out the project on, as well as the original creator of the game Olexa on Youtube and Twitch!

What could we build together?

If you're interested, reach out! I'm open to new contracts unless this website says otherwise, so I'd love to get connected with you and see what we can create!